sipping on some 8 of wands tea

8 of Wands Daily Pull | Kelli Jenkins, @spellsisters on Instagram

8 of Wands Daily Pull | Kelli Jenkins, @spellsisters on Instagram

Do you feel it? The air is vibrating with change.

This morning, I pulled the eight of wands when I asked for guidance on what to focus on today. This card is one of my very favorites, because it symbolizes movement and change. Even the imagery of the eight of wands signifies movement and change. The progress and action is exciting. Eight of wands signifies that you should pursue what you want/need right now. Don't wait and don't get distracted. To me, this card translates to a sort of energetic blossoming.

There's little that could get in the way of the beauty of a fern unfurling, and today, we are all ferns.

Ferns of Great Britain & Ireland, 1861

Ferns of Great Britain & Ireland, 1861

8 of wands + transits

There's a really exciting, let's do this shit type of vibe today. The moon, which helps fuel instincts, is in strong sextile with Uranus, who's all about evolution. This is helping to bring together our emotions with our intuition. Trust your gut.

While change can make you feel emotional, the power of Uranus gives you the confidence to be like, "I can conquer any change you throw at me. I dare you to step to me."  The focus is on taking care of your shit and accomplishing your goals, and today, nothing can stand in your way.

Uranus | Astrology Zone, Susan Miller

Uranus | Astrology Zone, Susan Miller

wait, am I using unstable Uranus as support? 

Wow, I guess I am, rly makes u think.

I'm an Aquarius, so my ruling planet is Uranus. I'm feeling all of this vibrating movement hard today, in a good way. I am truly practically buzzing with excitement. 

Uranus in sextile with the moon brings potential for emotional growth or breakthroughs (on whatever you've been challenged with lately) into clear focus. My personal challenge lately has been on my career and, well... questioning my focus on just about every level. Today, those questions seem to have just dissolved. Like... obviously, the challenge is still a challenge, but I know that I have the answers already. I think this energetic relationship is bringing feelings and instincts back down to earth and making them a reality.

Septarian & Green Calcite | Kelli Jenkins, @spellsisters on instagram

Septarian & Green Calcite | Kelli Jenkins, @spellsisters on instagram

crystals, chakras, & healing

Today it's important to take the action your instincts are telling you to take because that shit is ~real~ and will take you where you're trying to go. Your gut is the shit and knowing exactly where you're supposed to be, so don't second-guess it.

It should be a high vibing type of day and you should let yourself ride that wave. Go in on it and let it lead you where you're heading. Just make sure you don't lose focus or start on a new project/task/endeavor/plan until you've finished the first one. Focus on the task at hand and don't rush.

As for stones, I'm carrying septarian and green calcite today. Septarian promotes confidence and emotional stability, supporting the root chakra. I feel like the root will need some extra grounding support today, with all the change. This stone should help you with having the confidence and clarity to trust your intuition.

Green calcite helps with manifestation and reinforces confidence to confirm that what you've manifested is coming to you. Green calcite is also good for the heart chakra, dissolving energetic patterns that are no longer serving you, moving you from restriction to a place of trust and self-love. It's great for assisting with major transitions, and I feel like there might be a ground-shaking transition coming.... like on an energetic, universal level, we are moving towards big positive change. I mean, we have to, right?