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monthly horoscopes thru the signs



  • Hanged Man, Fool + Key Sun

You’re awakening into happiness and abundance this month, dear Aries, but it might seem like it’s been on layaway forever. No matter! Sometimes we’re just not ready to receive something special until a door is unlocked to a new level. I see you taking a right turn down a hallway and doing something small that triggers a series of events that break the silence. The ideas of silence and patience will be heavy this month, but I also see you experiencing a liberation from that energy midway through. Trust that everything is happening in divine timing and something important is about to happen this month to clarify your next step to freedom and illuminate the joy that’s been lying dormant for the past few months. If in doubt, drop your baggage—sometimes it feels like you’re abandoning something when actually it’s been waiting for you to leave this whole time.


  • 9 of Cups, Emperor + Birds Sun

You are lit from within, baby Taurus. In March, you’re going to be noticing that a wish has come true in regards to an important man in your life that you put on a pedestal or in regards to getting the control/leadership you’ve been desperate for in your job. The tone of this reading is delight, feeling like you’re getting what you deserved but totally not **demanding** it from the universe. This will be a fun month and might require you to write a lot of emails or feel like you’re constantly “plugged in.” If you’re attached, you might be cementing a relationship into that growing old together phase and feeling really comfortable with each other. Whatever you wish for is on the table, and as per Taurus code, one of those wishes involves complete autonomous control. You’re a benevolent dictator however, so just make sure you *communicate* clearly and everyone should be on the same page with your desires too.


  • 7 of Swords, Ace of Wands + Bouquet Birds

Getting a little sneaky Pete to get the party going, huh Gem? I don’t blame you, the energy for you right now is wild with possibilities and you are feelings yourself in the best way. Verbal banter…check. Charming smile…check. Secret intentions…let’s keep those under wraps for a bit. You might need to be just a *tad* manipulative to get your point across this month, as in, coming on strong with a secret agenda or giving a little to get a lot. It seems like there’s something you can’t quite disclose right now without ruining your chances of getting what you want. It might involve a new job or creative project that you might need to grease a few wheels to get. You may be getting or giving multiple invitations this month or receiving a lot of packages (I know that sounds weird, but bear with me). Your energy is up and you may be having to hunt down jobs on the internet on the sly. Be careful and tread lightly <3


  • 9 of Cups, 7 of Pentacles + Clouds Heart

So much is going on inside your heart, bb Cancer. I know you will be getting something you asked for which is lovely, but with it comes this sadness. Almost like a grass is always greener on the other side feeling. I think you’re still waiting for a relationship in your life to develop to the next level and you’re confused about your feelings for this person even as you’re getting what you always said you wanted. You’re trying to be patient, but you’re scared that it won’t ever feel the way you want it to. This seems decidedly romantic or familial. There is a loved one who you’ve put a lot of energy and focus on, and you’re trying to be grateful for what they’re giving you but it’s still slow moving. I see a mixture of a big win and also a feeling of “there’s so much farther to go.” With the Pisces energy this month, every time-frame feels like the loooongest and most difficult. Do not be alarmed by this, the energy will start shifting by midmonth and you’ll feel less helpless to circumstances.


  • Knight of Cups, Ace of Wands + Key Letter

This month you are patiently waiting for an invitation that would be like, the best thing ever if it happened. You’re sensing rightfully that something exciting is about to happen that would be a fresh start for you and promise you a new adventure…but it’s just taking a littlleeee bit of time to get of the ground. There is a person or persons that *wants* you—in a professional or personal way, like they feel like they’re under your spell and want to give you whatever you want in exchange for what you have to offer. You’re full of optimism in March, even if you’re coming out of a rough patch from February. A key letter/email/communication is coming in that will mean The World to you. You are on the edge of your seat waiting to hear about someone’s feelings for you or whether you will get the job offer or get the application for school/financial aid approved. I expect you’ll be hearing soon and the news will be good, bb Leo.


  • Queen of Wands, High Priestess + Anchor Child

Well this is refreshing, Virgie. You’re coming into your feminine own in March and you give absolutely no fucks what anyone has to say about that. I see you needing to take a step back and retreat into yourself right now. You may have a lot of questions and feel like you’ve lost direction, but somehow you’re actually pulling it off despite feeling like this might not be your “typical” look. You may be interacting with very powerful women/partners who are starting to open you up to the idea that you, too, can claim that power now and all the damn time. There is more to be revealed this month, possibly regarding and important friendship with a younger person…possibly regarding a new job. I see you either really involved in a job where you’re working with kids or accepting a new position that feels like a commitment and requires you to put down some big deal roots.


  • Tower, Ace of Swords + Fish Fox

Brace yourself, you’re in for a bit of a shock in March, bb Libra. The truth is coming out in a big way, and honestly you could even be the truthteller here. You might be so fed up with how a work-related situation is going that now you’re feeling like you have to call someone out in order to spare yourself. You have to speak your truth and you may need to burst someone’s bubble in a big way if they don’t burst yours first. Everything is not exactly…fine and it’s time to be realistic as much as denial can float us through the tough times. You’re embracing harsher realities and heavier energy precisely **because** you can handle it now and you’re ready to talk about the real shit™. I feel like someone in your life may have been being sneaky with money (maybe even you?) and suddenly you understand that there’s been some underhandedness that needs to be corrected. You may also be dealing with a side job you do more as an independent contractor thing that’s about to give you a bit of a rumble this month in terms of new expectations from clients. I don’t see this being a particularly painful month for you, only jarring and super real. You are ready, babe.


  • Tower, 10 of pentacles + Key Letter

Whoa, Scorp. You have some key information about family money that is about to appear this month. Particularly, you might be realizing that you have more than you thought. There’s a shock involved, something unexpected is about to happen that will make you realize you have a big hidden nest egg, or even a new family member. You may be eloping or getting engaged, but whatever it is, it’s something that is rapidly growing your family, rapidly returning on your investment, or rapidly changing your income/job security. Inheritances are possible under this influence in March. I think you’ll be receiving a very important email or snail mail that for lack of a better word, fucks thine shit up. Do NOT worry, but like I cannot exactly predict how this will affect you emotionally, only that it will have positive implications and might be an intense time. Baby Scorpios are up for the ride though. There is an important legal document coming your way that will change everything, so expect the unexpected and keep your vibe high. Keep repeating to yourself that this is a good thing, even if you momentarily feel out of control.


  • Knight of Wands, Judgment + Bear Crossroads

You’re a little miffed this month, Sagittarius. It seems like you’ve been having issues with being heard and it’s amped you up so much that now you’re like yelling. Take a breather but please don’t ignore the impulse to do what you want and maybe piss a few people off—because I think there’s something to that. You’re being called to a new path and it feels like you’re not ready. Other people may be pigeonholing you as immature or unprepared/irresponsible and now you’re feeling like you’re at a huge crossroads as to how to move forward. It seems like you have an opportunity that won’t come again but you are worried you are going to mess everything up if you follow your bliss. You have an authority figure that you’ve personally ordained in your life and it’s time for you to figure out where you stand with them. Sometimes we fight with the boss because we want to be the boss. I wouldn’t say you’re in a place to take on that role, but I do think that there is something unbalanced here and you might need to exercise the power you DO have, to leave the situation or stay and commit to making it better.


  • 4 of Wands, 3 of Cups + Lady Ship

Cappie, you deserve this! It seems like it’s going to be a very fun month for you if you let it (easier said than done, I know). There’s celebration energy, almost like you’re taking a vacation or enjoying time with a gaggle of galpals. If not gals and not coworkers, it’s definitely a romantic month, because the energy is light confection with a double dose of security. It seems like in March you’re coming to a more secure place and ready to embrace changes and fun precisely because you’ve set yourself up and there’s less to worry about. Cue the ant and the grasshopper story again. As the Ides of March switch over midmonth, you could see an important trip come up that is almost life-affirming for you. You’re moving around a lot and may even be moving house. Wherever you’re going, you’re moving up in the world; it doesn’t feel like a scale back, it seems like you’re finally doing something to reward yourself for your hard work. There is an energy of being part of really strong and seamless team right now. Like a well-oiled machine where everyone feels like they fit in. I see you embracing a new group that makes you feel more like yourself, although it may require you to change or move in March to make that happen.


  • 3 of Cups, Fool + Stork Gentleman

Big exciting changes. Things are happening in March that grab the chips you’re holding and let them fall as they may. I think you’re focused on growth right now, but you are almost like pushing a reset button in order to rebuild bigger and better. Kind of like the old wives tale where you’re not supposed to shave your legs because it grows back thicker than ever (idk, is that true tho?) Chutes and ladders is the vibe. One step backward, two forward. Life’s keeping you guessing and you’re never down for long before one setback reveals itself as another gift. You might need more freedom than ever this month, however, your hoes need you and you need them. You’re engaging with a lot of women and close friends this month who are desperate to have you part of the party (or even functioning as the entertainment). I see you undergoing changes in a relationship with a man or an important man relocating this month. This could even be part of your need for freedom—maybe you are following this person or backing them as a ride-or-die as they make changes that affect you too. However it happens, this is a fresh start that feels like perfect timing.


  • Hanged Man, Knight of Swords + Key Snake

You’re impatient and ready to fire back at anyone who hurts or victimizes you this month, dear angel Pisces. The only problem is, it’s almost like you’re being forced to sacrifice again and turn the other cheek à la Jesus when you feel like throwing some truth fire on a person or situation. Luckily you’re experienced with having to deal with other people’s bullshit and hold yourself back, not that you’re too excited about having to play martyr this month. March is going to be a sleeper, where you’re ready to rush in or maybe even being *asked* to work quicker, smarter, faster, but you’re not going to be able to without a lot of inner and outer resistance. What I mean by this is that you’re going to be your own worst enemy as you pile on sacrifices onto your plate that no one asked you to make. You’re learning to only do what feels comfortable and help when asked, but in the meantime, you’re going to feel like you’re moving through molasses until the Universe hears it’s magic words from you, “I need help.” There’s a key ex in your life that is causing drama or a sneaky secret enemy that needs to be nipped in the bud. Trust very carefully.

Weekly Spellscopes™ 1.21-1.27

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Happy Eclipse Week lil buddies,

Although the lunar eclipse will have you feeling a ton of feels, edginess, irritability, irrational outbursts, just beware that it is blessed by the heart of Leo and exposing events that need to be known and understood. You may have some crazy bright ideas that come to you suddenly, or feel a smattering of irrational intuition that proves to be crazy-correct. Whatever emerges around this chaotic energetic time is probably going to set you on a new path to developing the identity you’ve slowly managed into existencece over the course of this two year eclipse cycle. Don’t slouch on embracing your new self—you may realize you’re a little too big for your own clothes under this influence, like you’ve grown bb.

Jump into the deep end this week and realize you can swim.


Hayley T. of SS

Aries: I’m so sorry, bb Aries. Something painful is coming up for you around a matter of the heart this week, as the lunar eclipse waxes into Leo into your 5th house. I sense you might be nursing your wounds from a fight with a friend/lover or learning how to have a difficult conversation without hurting someone *else’s* feelings. As soon as this issue comes to light, it seems like you are hugely relieved. It’s just a lot all at once and might require you to take a break from interacting on such an intense level. Don’t underestimate your ability to take something super personally this week and immediately realize you may have been too hasty in your judgments. 

Taurus: There is a lot going on in your heart right now and you’re becoming a softer, more intuitive woman in the week following the Lunar Eclipse in your 4th house of home and family, babe. An important woman in your family/in your home may factor into the equation this week and her sensitivity or healing words may be weighing heavily on your mind as you stretch to meet her needs. I think you’re homing heavily this week and recognizing the power of your own heart to take in others going through hardship. You might be experiencing small changes in your personality that have you feeling v emotional and maybe a little lost. Listen to your intuitions right now, and if a hangout sounds beyond your capacity, it’s ok to say no. 

Gemini: You have been sensing a feeling of independence emerging in your life, a mastery of your environment—a subtle tendril of security snaking through your life and making you immediately default to self-protection in all circumstances, dear Gem. I think you’re coming into your own this week and learning that you’re alright no matter what happens, you’re on stable ground for once. You will be feeling especially good because something in your life is reaching culmination and offering you a feeling that nothing can go wrong. This may be a message from a partner or a communication at work that makes you realize you are on the fast track to something amazing that will last for a long time and pay dividends. Let your characteristic worries disappear and notice that things are starting to click into place.

Cancer: The energy surrounding the lunar eclipse for you this week is validation and manifestation. You are a walking self-fulfilling prophecy as you make major strides in terms of your ability to receive this week, lil Cancer. With the eclipse falling in your 2nd house of income and self-worth, I sense you are about to receive a majorly influential change in terms of your finances that makes you feel much more secure at a critical moment when you need it most. You may have a major breakthrough in your sense of your self-worth that really brings an issue that started back in 2017 to fruition and makes you realize you deserve love AND money. Expect to start getting out of your own way.

Leo: For a Leo, you’d think this lunar eclipse would feel like a huge coming out party, as it falls in your 1st house, but something tells me that you’re not feeling super connected and into exposure: you’re in your own little world with this transit. This eclipse has you crystallizing a hero’s journey you’ve been on for a while now, making serious internal explorations about what you want, your identity. This necessitates a lot of time in your own head alone, exploring your own desire and the next steps for your life now that you have been your own teacher and learned a huge lesson. Focus on a pursuit that defines you: school, hobbies, body work/health and needing to spend some time all by yourself to hone those skills or practice.

Virgo: Hard work is overrated…balance is best right now for you, dear Virgo. With the eclipse falling in your 12th house, expect a powerful spiritual experience this week that forces you to grow. Usually you are the darling helper, darling—but this eclipse is calling you to come to a place of self-forgiveness through the help of a higher power.Some forces may appear as hidden demons emerging from your past, asking for healing. Although they bare their teeth and look very threatening, they are nightmares and holy ghosts. Things that come up will be out of your control, but will be ultimately to your benefit. Pay attention to your dreams and listen to your heart—if something feels too hard to handle by yourself, it probably is.

Libra: Girl…girl. This is a fantastic week of culminations and the beginning of a beautiful friendship between yourself and your world. With the eclipse falling in your 11th house of groups and communities, you might notice something is starting that has major legs to expand your world and blow up your life to the main stage. You might receive a literal gift from a friend or begin a new partnership, but there is a culmination of sorts in a community environment you’re apart of, and it seems you’re about to be recognized as a key leader/partner on a team, club, or gathering of ladies. You have the Midas touch with whatever you start right now, dear Libra. Expect recognition and surprises as you get in touch with a high or low society.

Scorpio: It seems the energy this week has you fantasizing heavily about a career move you’ve been thinking of making for a long time, dear Scorp. You have multiple paths you can go down but not a lot of follow through just yet. I think you need more time to asses what’s right for you. You may see some serious changes happening at work that require you to stay open-minded. Sometimes being called into the office is a terrible sign and sometimes it’s a time for congratulations—but you won’t know right away. It seems with the lunar eclipse in your 10th house, square your solar self, a career/reputation situation may spiral out of your control and set you on a new path. Remember: whatever happens is all for the best, don’t catastrophize. News or thoughts about a strong male/father figure may hit you pretty heavy this week.

Sagittarius: Darlink Sag, there are event happening at the eclipse that have forced you to wear a lot of hats and juggle a lot of things at once. You may feel like you have two loves, two part time jobs, or just a general sensation of being at a crossroads in life. With the lunation falling in your 9th house of long trips, legal stuff, and eat-pray-loves, I see huge discussions coming up that have the ground shifting constantly under your feet and forcing you to adapt and expand. You may need to travel or just experience a change of pace from your usual lifestyle to get another perspective. Be aware this week that just as you get a handle of one thing, there will probably be another fire to put out. Somehow I see you holding it all together by a thread.

Capricorn: Cappie. It seems we’ve broached an either very positive or very negative time in your life but also a culmination of something you’re not so sure you can handle. With the lunar eclipse in your 8th house of sex, death, and other people’s money, it seems you may be receiving a lump sum to help you with settling debts or a big purchase/dream (school, buying a house, etc.). The emphasis is on expanding your life through getting in touch with the raw nerves of survival, so you might be starting a relationship around this time that is extremely intense and potentially transformational, but feeling super out of your element. Intense news may test your mettle right now, but you are learning how to equip yourself against the elements.

Aquarius: This eclipse hits you with quite a bang, Aqua. The beginning of your season appears to have you focused on a relationship/work partnership and learning how to say the hard thing and set a boundary. It seems your heart is a little bit broken over how you’re being treated and you have your back up as self-protection. You may notice a lot of sadness or anger coming up with the lunation in the 7th house—but it seems you’re not reacting, you’re trying to remain calm. Sometimes our heart needs to break a little to heal our soul and it seems you may be experiencing some serious divine intervention that makes you feel like you are being guided in an “if you build it, they will come” kind of way. Expect a lesson in holding your own and not compromising for anyone.

Pisces: My lil fishy, you are so strong and I’m sorry you have to be right now. Sometimes you find it hard to hold it together because it seems like your inner life is a kaleidoscope of other people’s feelings, but it’s very necessary to realize that faking it until you make it can pay off. Right now, I see the lunar eclipse giving you a huge wakeup call regarding your health and work and forcing you to put your nose to the grindstone on inner growth. Something is testing you and you are passing—but it requires hard work and body consciousness. With this influence in your 6th house of habits, I see you being given a choice to take the high road or the low road and learn restraint. Impossible feelings within are your beast and you are learning to tame them.

Weekly Spellscopes 1.14-1.20


Hi darlinks <3

Happy January…this year has gotten off to a wild and rocky start with two eclipses this month and only one under our belt! Expect big changes and a few growing pains for this week as we begin to adjust to all the fun things in store this year. Common theme coming up is learning to say no and mean it. Bon semaine!



Aries: Dear Aries, something is holding you back this week. I think you might know exactly what because it’s an old beast that has appeared many times before and represents a last temptation. You need to be on your toes to make sure you protect yourself from whatever is going to fuck you up from getting what you truly desire under your basest animal instincts. I know it’s easy to write this thing off as a little slip or not that big of a deal, but an obsession, addiction, or unhealthy preoccupation is encouraging you to depart from your course and that won’t feel good. Be careful about getting too wrapped up in someone and forgetting yourself. Consider the ways that temptation allows you to restructure your priorities consciously. You’re doing great in the New Year, keep only healthy behaviors.

Taurus: Bb Taurus, this week, we need you to honor your “sacred no.” Even if something seems good on paper or seems promising on some level but ultimately you’re not excited about it, it may not be right for you in your heart. It’s hard to forgo security waiting for the right thing to appear, but now is the time. This is probably concerning a new adventure or partnership that isn’t acting up to your usually realistic expectations. Don’t feel guilty that you’re looking a gift horse in the mouth. Get used to saying no when something leaves a sour taste in your mouth, even if you temporarily spend the night alone, feel the pinch of passing on a job offer, or reject a hangout with someone that drains you. This year is *all* about self-care for you, so act like it. You’ll thank me later.

Gemini: It’s time to be good, dear Gemini, or at least consider the needs of the gander and not just the goose. You’re doing a great job this week at acknowledging what you “should” be doing and honoring a trusted mentor in your work or friend life, who is guiding you on a topic you know nothing about. I think it’s best if you stabilize and learn how to put your faith in something greater than yourself. Connect with your community and invest in a group of people that reflects not just your values, but your interests as well. Don’t get lost in the shuffle of trying to behave like everyone else, unless you get something really good out of it. Expect to feel a lot of pressure from others right now to follow the group. Remember, if something starts to feel directly opposed with your individuality, consider if you really want it in your life. You should be feeling a lot more secure right now. 

Cancer: You’re getting something you want, darling Cancer. It may be coming in an unexpected package, but regardless, you have been waiting for relief from a subtly building pressure and finally near the time of the full moon, you’re starting to see the results. I applaud you, you’re the cat who got the cream and a wish has started coming true at long last. Please pay attention to what comes up around this time: you have stronger ability than anyone at this approaching Full Moon lunar eclipse in Cancer to manifest outcomes that you’ve been worried about, desiring, or obsessed with. Take a step back from your life and realize what thought patterns are working (or not…) and rectify the pattern. Ultimately, I see you getting your deepest wishes at least partially fulfilled this week, but analyze any dark shit that comes up for shadow desires that may have been sabotaging you all along.

Leo: It appears you are on a hero’s journey this week, baby Leo. Not everything that has meaning is fun. I know that’s probably something you’ve figured out, but this week—I need to remind you. You’re here for meaning, personal significance, and sometimes that means needing peace and quiet and a little bit of down time. I expect next week will be picking up, but you have a lot on your mind this week and I think it’s for a good reason. You’re making monumental moves to a higher level of consciousness and sometimes that requires a little self-exploration and elbow-grease and…reassessment. I see you working on something that gives you zilch credit/ego boost, yet ultimately has a solid foundation and requires you to work alone. Embrace this time as a necessary sacrifice, where you figure out the best course of action to reaching your goals

Virgo: Darling Virgo, you need to protect your energy this week. It might be time to scale back after the holidays or pull in some of your notoriously open boundaries and not be the momfriendthis once. I see you approaching a level of not giving a shit about something you absolutely used to give a shit about. Take this as the monumental achievement it is and celebrate by *only* doing what you want to do. We all know you can self-abnegate for the pleasure of serving and fixing another, but maybe mommy needs a rest and a little bit of freedom to do her own thing. You are going to want to spend a lot of time by yourself this week, as self-protection and I think might be for the best. Hold onto what’s yours, honor the “crazy,” possessive side of your love nature, and effing take back what’s yours. Sometimes vulnerability is overrated and we just need to protect ourselves: don’t put all your eggs in one basket, don’t be generous unless you feel like it, don’t listen too long when you’re exhausted and heed your limits. <3

Libra: You always been a solid bitch, Libra. Nothing/nobody can knock you down until suddenly all at once they can and you’re immediately over the person or thing that fucked with your chakras. As the professional and personal queen of balance, I trust you know exactly what to do when you’re asked to grovel at a time you have no business begging: shoot them dagger eyes and walk away. This week has you feeling like royalty, and you have every reason to tell the peasants to leave you alone. It seems like you need to embrace the qualities of confidence and devotion, two sides of you that reconcile your deepest nature: princess and guardian. Remember, only remain devoted to people on your level, not the petty ones that force you into a position you know you don’t deserve because they’re jealous. You will be feeling yourself this week and it may be in reaction to someone acting like you shouldn’t be. Take criticism lightly and elevate yourself immediately. You can pretend to laugh it off in public, but secretly realign yourself and moult anyone out of your system who is causing you to question your own authority. 

Scorpio: Not happy. That’s the vibe I’m getting, sweet Scorpio. I wouldn’t say sad, because you’re not sad; you’re just not happy right now. I sense that something is bothering you and you’re not really willing to talk about, but you’re *also* not wiling to let it go. I think you miss someone or you are thinking a lot about how someone let you down and wondering if you should keep this relationship open—probably a father figure or someone meaningful to you is not acting like they should right now. I would embrace your “sacred no” and develop a reflex policy against anything that doesn’t feel exactly right, because **NEWSFLASH** it probably isn’t right. You need a lot more than the average person and that’s not something to be ashamed of. Some people are not equipped to deliver the goods because they aren’t emotionally mature enough. I expect that this week will prove to be a bit of a let down, but will also open you up to many new possibilities once you say no to the things that aren’t enough.

Sagittarius: You have been feeling mega-spiritual and mega-sensitive lately. You are appreciating the softer side of yourself even as it sort of embarrasses you. This newfound vulnerability is giving you a new lease on life and has you embracing the idea of trying to please an important other. You’re a good listener *sometimes* but this week, you’ll be feeling especially close to people and reaching out as a shoulder to cry on for people who have a tendency to not take care of themselves until it’s too late. Remember to nurture yourself and stand by your own needs and not just abandon them for others. You usually don’t have a hard time asking for what you want, but right now, the things you want are particularly intimate and hard to just outright asked for. Embrace silence and nonverbal communication to get you what you want. Some Sagittarii may be starting to process of falling in love this week or falling back into love. The others might be using their crystal clear intuition to guide them in the right direction and feeling signs in the universe like braille. Either way, embrace the side of yourself that is afraid it might not be loved back. That’s the vulnerable side that can actually receive the love you dream of from others and from yourself.  

Capricorn: You have a lot of plans, dear Capricorn. Some of these are future plans and some carried over from 2018. I suggest you deal with the ones closest to their expiration date first. Makes sense, right? It seems like you are learning about what you want in a crash course this week. You’re building momentum and understanding how to sort the wheat from the chaff right now and sometimes the chaff is other people and sometimes the wheat is a dream. You have a lot of energy, but you’re wasting a lot of it looking back on what could still happen with old and outsized expectations and people you’ve outgrown. Think about how you can put down money on your dreams and focus on how to remain committed to what you know you still want to invest in. I know your heart is hankering for an adventure, but your soul wants to be held. Find something risky that pays dividends of security—find a fun copilot that is heading for the same destination or ditch them altogether and start making moves to realize a dream you’ve already started living. Reality is romantic right now.

Aquarius: Dream big, darling. Everything is within your reach right now, especially little dreams that you thought would never see the light of day. There’s a glimmer of hope that’s appeared out of nowhere like a rainbow after a storm. Can it be trusted? Is this…ok??? I think it can. You’ve been waiting a long time and had some parts of your life burned to the ground recently. Do you think it could be time…to rebuild? There’s so many ways to put the pieces of your life back together after tearing the puzzle apart, and I urge you to think up some of the more creative ones and play around. Please take your time, because your life is a nest full of very round eggs, all ready to hatch. You can make them into anything, but never waste a wish on something you already know exists. Expect a sign to appear this week that everything is going to be alright and what you hoped for is indeed possible. Embrace changes that you wouldn’t normally and consider alternative paths—the thing you wish for most will come under a different guise. Stay open and look with fresh eyes, because an event that happens this week will have you opening up to believing in the power of the universe all over again and finally feeling that youthful rush of trust that everything is going to be ok.

Pisces: Pisces…honeyyyyyy. It’s time to chill out and be by yourself for a few days. I think something is amiss in your life and the best way to make it better is to go off alone and process everything that’s happened. Sometimes we have to take a step back to understand if someone is lying, using us, or bullshitting us in some other way, and I urge to do just that. You’re on a personal spiritual journey this week and it requires a lot of Netflix and Chill…alone. I think if something doesn’t feel absolutely a Hell Yes, for you, treat it as a FUCK NO. You have a tendency to apply a filter to real life when it doesn’t meet your expectations—how about you hold off on that filter and just chill with the unedited version for a little while? This might be a week where you are forced to study a lot alone, focus on something you want that includes only you (like a hobby or a spiritual practice, yoga), or really plumb the depths on a question you’ve been asking yourself that you’ve been afraid to open up to the forum. Take your time and trust yourself and your intuition. Right now, you are looking for answers and the only way to find them is to steal some private time away and create a distraction. Put a Pisces sized hologram of yourself up (in a cute outfit of course) and go within—you will find the source of your recent discontent and a solution for other people’s selfishness.



Week of 1.7 - 1.13 


I’m dreadfully sorry the scopes are late this week, but voila! You may have noticed that the Sun-Pluto conjunction is adding an extra dose of intensity to the aftershocks experienced with the solar eclipse. There is demanding prima donna energy giving us limited patience for anything that falls in the liminal space and doesn’t give our gut an immediate “yes” or “no.” As Kelli loves to say, if it’s not a Hell Yes, it’s a Hell No. With Mercury square Mars, we might be a little brusque and feeling like blowing up over little things. It’s not yr PMS, it’s the stars bb. As Jupiter and Saturn crest into aspect with Neptune, there is a great warring influence between fantasy and reality—expansion and contraction, and honestly I don’t know who will win. Your life is colored with a dreamlike fairy dust, even as you are being consistently awakened from your reverie by your snooze alarm. Try to see things clearly right now. 

Aries: You always act like you know what you want, bb Aries…but are you sure? This week will challenge you to make a choice between two parts of yourself that are equally demanding and equally delicious to satisfy. You may have love on the brain, feel the urge to deepen an intimate connection, or constantly feel like you are having to remove your rose-colored glasses to get any work done. It’s ok to seek pleasure for its own end, but you want the sort of fruit that never dies under this aspect. This influence is ruled by Gemini, so it is very changeable and you may feel a tad bipolar. Embrace the inconsistency and take the high road that seems to promise what you desire most. 

Taurus: You are acting like a boss bitch, Taurus. You have zilch-ka patience for people who can’t put their money where their mouth is and more props to you because it’s actually getting you what you asked for. Sometimes we get what we want, not because we necessarily deserve it, but because we have the guts (ahem…balls) to ask for it without apology. You are entering a phase this week where you are going to be acting a lot like a significant boss/father figure in life that you look up to and employing their tactics: humor, BDE (big dick energy), and calculated risk-taking. I see you focused on this person: they are looming over you for a reason though. You see qualities in yourself in them and you either admire or hate them. Embrace this person’s influence, even if your response is the latter. <3

Gemini: Player. Flirt. You’re dipping your paintbrush into a lot of happy clouds this week, darling Gem. Dare I say, you’re having fun…? Good, it’s been a long time since you’ve done something for no other reason than to explore and play. I see a message coming in that makes you feel giddy inside—either sexy, playful, or an invitation to do something you’ve always wanted to try. You’ll be feeling brave and excited, most of all though—unafraid. Go for it this week and pursue a passion that you do only for the pleasure of it, something creative and fun that brings you joy, but that doesn’t make you fearful of failure, rejection.

Cancer: Everything’s over, sweet Cancer. Something got *massively* shut down this week with the solar eclipse and forced you to process an ending that may have started a while back. This may relate to something that started up around the Cancer full moon/holiday season. Yikes, it must have been pretty emotional. I’m sorry but I think this will be a peaceful transition to the spiritual world and you’ll be able to phoenix yourself out of a situation that was killing you and siphoning all your energy. It’s time for a new beginning and time to raze the field (thanks for that word, Kelli <3) and use that newly molten earth as the hot wet womb of your heartfield. Alternatively, if you know this hasn’t happened yet but it’s needed to, for your and everyone’s sake…put something out of its misery. 

Leo: You have cast off a lot of baggage this week already, Queen. I think you might be thinking of taking a spontaneous trip or doing something “dumb” for all the right reasons (don’t listen to those bitches who wanna tell you you’re crazy). Sometimes we have to forget about all our “stuff” and just drive ourselves out into the wilderness of our heart and do what we haven’t done before. You are in massive need of a change, to the point where it’s going to come to you if you don’t come to it. You are casting off chains this week and exiting the cycle. I mean, you may rejoin the race next week but let yourself explore this week and do something foolish that requires you to abandon someone or something (responsibly). 

Virgo: Peace and symmetry is its own lesson this week, darling Virgo. Order is typically something you feel like you need to orchestrate on your own, but your inner life is like a room that’s been trashed by a cheerleader convention—you can’t clean this up on your own. Prayer and small, deliberate effort will be your helpmates right now. It’s a little like the myth of Eros and Psyche where Psyche has to sort piles of seeds for Aphrodite and it’s IMPOSSIBLE. So she cries herself to sleep and she wakes up in the morning and realizes ants have done it for her! You need to release your stress to a higher power or admit that the task before you in unable to complete by a mere mortal. It is, however, the perfect setup for a story about a miracle come to life. Let go and you will realize there’s someone to catch you.

Libra: Lover of mine, darling Libra, your thoughts are in the sky this week. A fantasy feels within reach, and it has you reaching for the champagne to celebrate a very promising invitation. It might feel a little too good to be true, but just enough to make you try harder to make it happen. If it feels like you’re verging into irresponsible territory, take it as a good sign. Ahem…screw the real world. Live in the fake one until you get tired of it and you’re ready to go home. There are two parts of you, always balancing between one and the other. They are more like colors than people—one is sparkly silver, the other black. I don’t have to tell you, you’ll be accessorizing with both under this weeks’ influence. 

Scorpio: Torn into two, over something that seemed like a good idea at the time. I feel you, bb Scorpio. Everything seems like a momentous decision, but each decision feels like cutting off your nose to spite your face. One road takes you a place you don’t completely wanna go and the other takes you a road you want to go but can’t: you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t. Or so you think! TWIST: you can get both your needs met in one place and you don’t have to feel torn in two directions. The key is taking the pressure off yourself and recognizing that there is a third option that has been invisible to you this whole time. You’re familiar with this territory, but don’t engage yet, wait for the signal—it’ll be obvious, but release control.

Sagittarius: Walking away from the wrong thing. Walking to the right thing. They look the same under this influence, and it’s always a bittersweet feeling. But you’re content in the knowledge that you’ve made the right decision and there’s no going back. Take your own advice and look under every rock, quarry, waterfall for the life of your dreams, and note: *it’s* *not* *HERE*. Sounds harsh, but you knew that already, so that shouldn’t hurt to admit. Don’t be afraid to settle down in a temporary sitch before you make the full transition to your new life. You might feel a bit like a lawless nomad this week, with the bank account to match. 

Capricorn: Solar eclipse energy is heavy in your life during this cycle, bb Cappy. You’re the star of the year for the first half at least, but that’s a tall order and an executive position you may not have considered the implications of. You’ll have to shine like the sun and put your money where your mouth is—expose yourself to the light, as well as all of your agendas. Don’t be afraid of the light…engage with the happy, carefree part of yourself that’s been waiting to come out. You’ll be very unmeasured in your desire this week, but you’ll want wholesomeness and devotion. I see you developing a new personality that is more in keeping than the cracked one you’ve been wearing in the interim.

Aquarius: Homebody with the spirit of a world-traveler, bb Aqua. Armchair philosopher. This week has you celebrating a feeling of everything coming together in your life and feeling at home in your body and surroundings. You may be having a homing week where you center down and rest before the big challenges you’re expecting to face next week. It feels like a vacation mixed with a holiday, where home is where the party is. Everybody loves you, darling Aquarius—let them see you and enjoy you: you’re the perfect accessory to every event and you may be noticing people yelling your name before you even get out of the car. It feels like you’re in the right place for you this week: and the feeling that “if this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.” - RIP Vonnegut

Pisces: You have chosen a beautiful family, Pisces priestess. Even if you didn’t grow up with the sweetest one. I see you surrounded by influences of prosperity, inter-dimensional generosity where you’re paradoxically both giver and receiver. It feels like, more than enough this week…like omg, this is too much, here have some back. But it’s not, it’s what you deserve, so soak it up and love love love the legacy you’re entitled to. You might realize you feel a little bored with getting everything you want under this influence this week. You’re so used to pining, that receiving is a base substitute for the spiritual bliss of being close to divine but only tasting half of it. I urge you to sit with this feeling and explore what makes you push away the things that have the potential to satisfy you.




Happy New Year, Wild Swans/Spellkittens™. I am so excited to see what happens for you this year. This week will strangely function like a little microcosm of what you should expect to see for the rest of the year. I pulled a secret card for each of you to complement the astrological climate that is giving us all a somber yet emotional tone for this week and a feeling of the gravity that 2019 will bring.


Hayley T. of OWS

  • Sun conjunct Saturn in Capricorn (still)

  • Sun sextile Moon

  • Moon sextile Saturn, trine Neptune

  • Mars conjunct Chiron in Pisces (still)

Aries: You are riding the high wave, Aries. It’s a big deal week, month, and year for you and you may not know this yet, but you’ve played the stakes and the Universe is rewarding your risk-taking…finally. You’re about to come out on top. Only thing is, with great power comes great responsibility. Were you expecting this win to automatically put you in the driver’s seat?? Probably not, or you wouldn’t have gone all in with such gusto. You were tricked into a position you wouldn’t have chosen on your own and now you need to get prepared for all the excitement that comes from being at the *literal* helm of your desires. 

Taurus: Returning to someone or something that makes you feel like the old you? Doesn’t sound like an activity meant for the first week of the new year, but damnit you a Taurus, so let’s just call that self-care. I have a feeling that you are expecting to see someone that could best be described as a ghost of a former life. This will make you feel surprised, delighted, and most of all, nostalgic for the way things used to be. Pleasant experience to be sure, and reflective of a feeling you’ll return to multiple times throughout 2019. You will have the best luck this year, if you return to your haunts and expect a new but more enriching experience.

Gemini: Seems like you’re falling for someone, Gemini. If you don’t think so, ok fine, have it your way. But your heart is wide open this week and it feels delicious. No matter what it is, the aura of falling in love with your life is demanding that you making a decision of the heart, whether it’s a choice between two amazing people, jobs, travel destinations, neighborhoods. Something special is pushing you to pick between multiple things that bring you joy and fully invest in your fulfillment. I expect this year to be surprisingly adorable for you in terms of getting what you want. The only problem might be that you’re forced to make a big decision between two parts of yourself that are demanding equal attention.

Cancer: You are full of feels this week and your hand is on your heart. Feel it beating no matter what, feel it sinking as you get closer to vulnerable-you. Think about the ways you can engage this side of yourself in a positive way, because the heaviness of your soul has the capacity to crack open your shell like it hasn’t been in a looooong time. Maybe the last time you got intimate with your feelings, it was a bad experience: this doesn’t have to be, but with the solar eclipse this weekend, you are being shown the Truth and you can’t deny how it makes you feel. Love people without expecting anything in return and you will be rewarded for the rest of the year. 

Leo: You have stopped forcing anything to be what you want it to be, baby Leo. No need to lift a finger of control if it isn’t their idea already. You need to be met half way, or your soul is like nah. You are sick of pushing stuff to happen that just creates more stress once it’s in your life. Good idea, because the events that are about to go down this week are going to put you in touch with drama and they’re going to force you to say no when someone asks to engage with you in a petty-ass way or pushes you to do something that seems a cross-purposes with what you should be doing. You are above temptation this year, it’s all about restoring peace and balance and giving dat shit up to the lordt. 

Virgo: What a surprise, you’re back on your bullshit dear Virgo. And that’s to say that you are over everyone else’s bullshit this week. Shut those bitches down and tell them to come back to you when they’ve thought about what they’ve done. You have no *time* or *patience* for anyone who makes you wait for them to get on your level. Don’t be afraid to be a gremlin if someone has seriously pushed past your boundaries and limits. You have a right to feel however you do and if you have no feelings at all, take it as a sign that that person needs the cold shoulder to grow. On the flip side, this year will be filled with intellectual stimulation, professional advancement, and verbal repartee. Have fun and keep it light if it feels right.

Libra: You’ve been working hard, Libra. Maybe a little too hard? Maybe because you’ve been afraid to speak up? I think that needs to stop this week, but this is also a warning that you will have to put an end to this behavior pattern this year as well. Boundaries are healthy, and you can’t live every life for everyone so they don’t have to suffer and they never think a bad thing about you. Sometimes people need to learn to take care of themselves and sometimes not stirring the pot, stirs it low-key even more. If you can pull back from the way you’ve been over-extending yourself, you will find out who your real friends are and who are just the users. I expect you to see a wild change in how you structure your work and social life this year. Oh, and it’s for the best. 

Scorpio: For a person who’s been through the openhanded darkness of last year when Jupiter was in Scorpio, it’s kind of a big deal to say that you’re feeling lighter and happier this week (and this whole year). You have a lot to offer other people when you let down your guard, and suddenly it’s feeling safe to do this. Who is she??? It’s you emerging from your cocoon and really feeling free and dare I say…joyful. You need freedom, you need to cast off your chains, expose the lies, admit your feelings to yourself, try *again*, baby Scorpio. This is you high on life and it’s kind of beautiful. Don’t be afraid of the warmth that comes up from others right now, you can trust it because you can trust yourself. I expect this year to be one of openness and peace and…wildness. Get back to the Wild Woman within.

Sagittarius: Sadge, you’re having a ball and your ego is in full swing. You’ve had a hard year with Jupiter in your 12th house and Saturn in your sign, but you know what? You couldn’t care less, because you’ve got your heart set on dominating your world right now: Jupiter is moving signs and you are setting boundaries. Throughout the emotional rollercoaster of risk taking that both invigorated and destroyed you, you came out on top. You don’t feel like that? Just wait and believe. This year will be a year of taking back your power and getting what you want. You will inherit a lot of responsibilities with your power, but it’s time for you to stop being a dummy and actually commit to everything that happens without backing out from fear.

Capricorn: Cap, life is like a dream right now. This week you’ll see a wish fulfilled and a suddenly beautiful life flash before your eyes and feel like maybe it’s a little too good…a little too easy. Is it ok to enjoy this feeling? Yes, it’s ok to get what you want without trying for it! I think this year will be surprisingly validating to your ego and your soul and you’ll get a little suspicious of it, with Saturn on your Sun for a longgg time. You are getting your just desserts and I think you’ve worked so hard that you’ve forgotten you, like…get a paycheck for it. It’s not always your lot in life to have to suffer first before you get what you deserve: sometimes, things come your way out of luck or because you’ve already set yourself up for the winter (a la the ant in the Ant & the Grasshopper story). Embrace a vision and your earth angels will get to work on fulfilling your fantasies in the flesh in 2019, darling Cappy.

Aquarius: Aw Aqua, something bad might have happened and you’re trying to process it. You might be beating yourself up or making a mountain out of a molehill without knowing it. I think it’s always good to admit to yourself when you’re wrong, but you might be taking this a little too far or alternatively, feeling like the victim of someone else’s (unwarranted) bullshit. You don’t deserve the poor treatment you received, but it’s hard to let it go if you can’t forget or at least ruminate on something positive that you received from the situation. If someone hurt you, can you see how it gave you a dose of the truth that you needed? Did this event allow you to repair something in your life that you didn’t know was broken? I think you might burn your life down a little this year, dear Aqua. Embrace the flames because something in your life is old, dead, and sucking your dry. It’s time to cut the cord and feel a little bit like a loser, so you can get more honest about who and what you are.

Pisces: 5 of Pentacles Everything feels…hard this week, Pisces. You might be holding over from the stress from the holidays, broke because you spent too much money on shit for the people you love, or feeling a little spiritually disconnected. Don’t worry, even though right now worry is your middle name. I want you to know that even though you feel like you’re on the outside looking in on everyone’s adorable happy lives, your time is absolutely coming. Look for the friend that’s in this with you. There’s someone by your side that really makes you realize you’re not alone. Although this year may be filled with paying off debts, taking a step back, exercising restraint, your relationships will start to flourish in the darkness like mold on bread. You are surrounded by helping hands but it’s so hard to see them with your eyes fixed on the shit around you. Look up and ask for help and you will receive help and spiritual sustenance just when you thought you were totally alone.

Weekly Spellscopes™ 12.24-12.30

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Hello darlings,
The full moon in Cancer was sextile Uranus and waxing just at the very same time as the Winter Solstice this weekend. I wanted to alert you to the reality that big changes are afoot at the end of this new year, we are ending on a mixed message from the Universe, but keep your heart open and raring to receive... Expect the January eclipse to deliver on the promise given this week.

LYLAS <3 Hayley

Aries: Time for coze. Get in bed, call yr mom, talk to your nearest and dearest or better yet please *don’t* talk. Anything less than nesting is work and strictly frowned upon with this homey astrological influence. An issue related to your residence (moving/fixing/roommates/kids) may crop up and force you to redefine what your home looks like. Embrace the changes to Chez Aries and enjoy some r & r. Stop running, Josh!

Taurus: So much talking, texting, flirting, coordinating...omg stop the madness! Don’t put everything on silent just yet. You may get a crucial/soulful phone call or a text chain that you weren’t expecting. Sometimes this influence hits when a transportation issue flares up for the final time. Make sure you check your car/flight twice and check in with your siblings (if you have them)—you may have an issue come to light that requires a lil creativity.

Gemini: Baby gem, you see a bright penny and you’re reaching out for it. You may be in negotiations that are suddenly turning in your favor and have you daydreaming about financial and emotional security. Your income/resources is about to have a dramatic rise right now and give you an uptick in how you to feel about yourself. You may have met someone that gives you the feeling they could be in your life a long time.

Cancer: Darlink, this is your namesake full moon and you are probably feeling very good about yourself, but simultaneously shedding skin. It’s not your fault it doesn’t fit (!) but it’s your responsibility to make the change and find a new shell. Life is an emotional rollercoaster for now, but you are so familiar with the language of this world that you know all the pauses. Take a deep breath and follow your heart.

Leo: Ew, shit be coming up from the murk, bb Leo. Emotional secrets you’ve been keeping are being exposed to the light. This process is unfortunately not under your control. You may feel like you are being put on trial or subjected to unnecessary restriction right now. Don’t forget that voice that emerges in the dark and says it’s going to be ok even if it looks so messy right now. Relax, all is not as it seems.

Virgo: You’re experiencing a sunset in a deep friendship or group that you feel like you “belong” to. Who are you without this friend? You’re about to discover if it’s worth it to you to keep compromising in the ways that you’ve had to. It may be. But it also may no longer be serving you. You are being given an opportunity to have a “fightless” fight with this person/community and rationally discuss needs.

Libra: Work life balance has hit an all time low this season, dear Libra. You’re making enormous strides in terms of personal/professional goals but you are sacrificing a lot of your humanity in the process. Take a step back from listening to the type A voice inside of you that tells you to push yourself and do more or the emotions that come up right now might force you to take a breather and reprioritize.

Scorpio: 9 You are considering taking a big step that would change everything and expand your whole world, lil Scorpio. This probably makes you feel surprisingly emotional and could be regarding college classes, a project, or a long distance trip you have to take. This is a big opportunity for an “expansion” but maybe you don’t want it anymore now that it’s here? Do your best to eat-pray-love the next two weeks and explore another philosophy on how your life could be. Get creative and you can get all your needs met.

Sagittarius: Sadge, this is the dark hole you find yourself in from time to time. You go down into your well and wait for answers but you are waiting for your own voice to come out of the mouths of the animals down there. Something has died and it’s like you’re only just realizing it—something deep and intimate—but the seeds of rebirth are within you already. This is the final moulting of 2018 before Jupiter comes knocking on your door.

Capricorn: Partnerships are explosive and unpredictable right now, bb cap. I think something special is coming to fruition for your closest relationship but it may not be tacit and it may not make sense right away. If you don’t have a partner/best friend, you may unexpectedly meet “the one” right now. You are hardwired to be tough but you feel so vulnerable under this influence. Expect synchronicity: the universe is on autopilot so let go.

Aquarius: Changes are rapidly taking place in your regular routine: ALERT this is not the same scheduled programming. You might be feeling out of your element because suddenly you have to switch your schedule up, take on a new role, change your habits and it’s making you feel a little disjointed. Don’t be afraid—Uranus is on your side right now and wants to reassure you that your habits/work will undergo a shift that gives you a surprising amount of freedom and a feeling of mastery. Make sure you take care of your body through the transition to a totally different lifestyle. Eat clean and carry on.

Pisces: Christmastime is just about the most romantic time of the year for you anyway, dear Pisces. But especially now, with the full moon transiting your 5th house of love and joy. This time of year will bear fruit and have you meeting someone you were meant to know, if you circulate the next two weeks. Relationships of all kinds will become bashfully bold. This moon could also culminate matters to do with a creative project that makes your heart sing. Take a little while and consider the things you do for no money at all and see if there’s a way you can capitalize on them.

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week ahead: dec 9-15

Hi darlinks <3

The weekly Spellscopes™ will be a regular feature for all Swans from now on as we move into 2019. Wishing so much gladness and awakening to you this week. It’s a powerful healing week for all of us, but it will also be very challenging. Grow in/grow out and all will be well.

Aries: Aries, Aries, Aries. It’s time for a critical conversation and it’s not going to be fun. In some way you’ve been guarding others from your own anger and frustration and it’s caused you to lie to yourself so that you don’t have to open up an old wound. This is an unconscious process that you might have projected onto others so that you might hate someone for something you have also done—it’s time to take back your power and confront the issue. Secrets needs to come out even if it causes some angry feelings from everyone involved. Clearing the air is both critical and healing this week and if you can find a way to feel in your element while doing so, it will spell a welcome improvement in your life.

Taurus: Your friendships and love affairs have come under fire, darling Taurus. Slowly but utterly, a dramatic change of loyalty has forced you into a complicated struggle for control. You will be feeling yourself right now and for you that means Boundaries with a capital B. Don’t worry about the muck that starts to drift up from the puddles of your unconscious. The wound that is brought to the surface is like a boil bursting and in some ways that naturally creates mess and temporarily destroys your equillibrium. You need rest, but don’t let your guard down. Find a way to protect yourself from false friends. Hint: be so direct about your concerns that they have no time to backpedal and fuck with you.

Gemini: Your career will start to take off this week, but you’ll be encountering resistance at every turn from people who see you all wrong. Don’t mess with the haters trying to destroy your confidence. You’ll be happy to know that any drama that comes up this week only makes you stronger and more secure. Although your financial security and career looks bright and assured, there is a lot of tense energy surrounding your reputation and how you are putting yourself out there. Protect what you push on social media and maybe make a couple things private. There’s a lot of tension and events coming from outside you may derail your course. Honesty is the best policy and repetition and consistency your guide.  Even though you didn’t do anything wrong, that doesn’t mean other people get it this week: be alert.

Cancer: Darling Cancer, cue the waterworks, right on schedule. This week has you feeling both profoundly intimate and also jarringly disconnected, as if something meaningful has come to the surface for someone else to see. There’s an element of needing to get something off your chest (or someone else doing the same to you) and feeling almost no resistance to uncovering and sharing that wound. Initially this will feel painful, but the anesthetic qualities of this influence also bring you a double dose of healing with your suffering. You might need to consider circumstances regarding academic plans, long distance travel and religion/spirituality as of paramount importance in what hurts as well as heals this week. Answers come in dreams, so ask away.

Leo: You’re being asked to bite off more than you can chew this week, but you’re doing it beautifully darlink! Although you might end up plumbing the depths of your deeper shadow nature this week and uncovering a big blind spot in the form of your ego, you are mature enough to pause and consider that there are two sides to every story and to your own personality and both are necessary to making you strong and anchored. Not everything is straightforward and perfect, but especially now, you are considering the ways that other people can make or break your success by effing with your system. It’s a delicate balnce to live in your strong and industrious body, Leo. Let go of control and treat spirituality and divinity as a part-time job and you won’t have to keep struggling to get it all done.

Virgo: Baby Virgo, this week will be pulling up major issues in partnerships of all kinds that may require you to restructure your expectations. You have a serious tendency to take on more than you deserve, because it makes you feel needed and secure. This week, you will learn about how the tables turn when people love each other—security is something that should run both ways. You deserve to feel as protected and fussed over as you make others feel. This week, you will notice a shift in energy from always being the savior, to being the saved. This can be an uncomfortable flip, because it requires you to give up control and forces you to depend on others who might not be as dependable as you. It’s time for you to get your needs met and ask for more.

Libra: Your cup runneth over, Virgo. This week is all about getting supremely vulnerable and feeling connected to what in you is within others too. Normally, you are focused on the impression you’re making and how others are pulling your own weight. This week, you will feel the urge to drop the ledger, and just let people take what they need from you. You will be feeling generous and simultaneously will experience luck because of your generosity. God/Universe helps those who help others and your energy guarantees a shift in consciousness if you let your guard down and get really honest (something that can be hard for your peace oriented sign). It’s important to tell people how you feel about them now, even if you’re waiting for them to do it first.

Scorpio: You are working diligently in the direction of your dreams, dear Scorpio. The reason being, you have started to feel like it’s more play than pressure. You might find yourself intuiting what others around you are feeling more than usual and offering a hand or ear at the critical moment for them. I think this influence will position you in the role of helper, forcing you to be the backbone of a situation that has turned lopsided with confusion and miscommunication. The healing affect you have on others right now is most evident in your romantic relationships and anything that you do just for fun. It’s as if you have been slowly plodding along and suddenly what you’ve invested time and energy into is picking up steam beyond your expectations. If you keep going, your role will start to pay dividends.  

Sagittarius: Wow Sag. Um, things have really picked up for you this season and required you to balance multiple balls in the air. They do not want to fuck with this big dick energy, but the thing is—they still will. Someone is hiding shit or not totally telling the truth and you can’t help but smell a rat. If the rat is you, you’ll feel the urge to be ultra-mega transparent and say the thing that breaks open the secret for all to see because the pressure to be real is coming from an urge to simplify your life and listen to your heart. Your home has undergone massive shifts this week and maybe an element of indecision or pain is associated with being separated from your home. This pain is an illusion—your home is where you hang your hat. Your feeling of isolation is actually a course in self-love, so show up.

Capricorn: It’s a big bad world out there for a pimp and with the heavy doses of whimsical, spiritual, and batshit energy flying through the cosmos right now, it has you anchoring DOWN into reality. Although everything feels up in the air and unsure, you know in your heart that the best way to deal with confusion is to focus on what you *do* know and keep working. The energy surrounding you is crazy heavy, but you are able to access feelings you would normally never touch with a ten foot pole right now, because you are working hard to wade through the mire and understand where the ones you love are coming from. What’s that stirring in your throat, are you crying? Things come up that you immediately want to stuff back down. Don’t worry, but keep busy and it will become clear.

Aquarius: Oh dear. Aquarius, you have the most to gain from this week but also the most to lose, so it can feel like jumping over a ravine to an incredible picturesque landscape. Risky but if you can push yourself past your fears, you can realize your dreams. The intense Neptune energy is working to create opportunities for increased security and self-worth through your income and your profession (wherever you receive a paycheck and are evaluated on your performance), but it requires a little bit of lying to yourself or others to mind the gap and fake it until you make it. You’ll be surprised to see how strong and wild you become when you are at the mercy of the universe. Suspend your judgement of how it’s supposed to look crossing the ravine and you won’t have to worry about falling.

Pisces: Darling Pisces. I’m concerned for your wellbeing, because there is almost too much of your fav psychic, mythological energy flowing through you right now. Normally, you are one to milk experience for spiritual significance, but right now, dreams feel real and every intuition is likely to be both correct and a little painful. It’s like reading minds, you have to keep yourself extra ethical and secure within to deal with what comes up without acting indiscriminately on that information. The pace of life is picking up for you but unfortunately for you, it requires all these decisions with it! You won’t be sure what is going to happen to you until the very end of the week, but it requires you to get into your ego and consider “what do you want?” *cue Ryan Gosling scene from The Notebook*. Hint: you’re afraid to totally want your wants, but the Universe demands you blow out ALL the candles on your cosmic bday cake.




Moon in Pisces Miniscopes

Later today (Monday), the moon will move into Pisces. Waxing and waning, like us, the moon sheds her fullness approximately every 28 days. The moon has the fastest planetary cycle; she makes her way through the zodiac and fully orbits the earth more quickly than other planets, moving from sign to sign every 2.5 days. The sign the moon is in will affect the emotional undercurrent of each sign differently, like background noise. Our resident astrologist, Hayley Trussell, has put together predictions for how this Moon in Pisces will affect each sign <3 Match these horoscopes to your sun sign to see how it will affect you.

In general, the Moon in Pisces lends itself to surreal fantasies and wild imagination. This can make us feel a little crazy or lost, like our head is in the clouds. You might also be feeling super tuned in, like everything affects you on a deep emotional level. Take time for yourself; meditate, call on your guides, explore your inner mystic. Be aware of nagging anxiety, addictions (to things or people!) trying to pull you back in, and possessing a victim mentality. Instead, focus on the bigger picture and how you fit into it.

Other astro aspects that influenced these predictions:

Sun trine Jupiter Cancer and Scorpio
Sun opposed Saturn Cancer and Cap
Moon square Jupiter Aquarius/Scorpio
Jupiter trine Neptune Scorpio/Pisces
Saturn trine Uranus Capricorn/Taurus
Venus Pluto quincunx Leo/Cap

PS the artist of these amazing pics is unknown but we love them, whoever, wherever they are.

Aries — Ram, with the moon moving into Pisces and your 12th house on Monday, your mind will be heavily focused on spiritual matters and you'll want to tuck yourself away into the abyss… also bed is bad rn. The future isn’t so much what haunts you, b…

Aries — Ram, with the moon moving into Pisces and your 12th house on Monday, your mind will be heavily focused on spiritual matters and you'll want to tuck yourself away into the abyss… also bed is bad rn. The future isn’t so much what haunts you, but the past is. Take some time out to take a look inside yourself and come to terms with a long ago failure. You’re in a perfect cycle right now to move forward in a positive way from something that once caused you shame.

Taurus — Sweet lil bull, this moon is moving through your 11th house of friendship,&nbsp;hopes, and dreams. You’re going to be feeling the urge to open wider into your circle of friends. Although there is a lot of energy of expansion, don’t go too w…

Taurus — Sweet lil bull, this moon is moving through your 11th house of friendship, hopes, and dreams. You’re going to be feeling the urge to open wider into your circle of friends. Although there is a lot of energy of expansion, don’t go too wild and spread yourself too thin. You’re going to need that energy stored up since Saturn is heavy on the Sun right now and sucking the life out of you. Do something spontaneous in the next few days and don’t be surprised if you meet a new friend.

Gemini —&nbsp;Darling Gem, with the moon in Pisces in your 10th house, be advised that your career is asking for a little attention right now. The goals you’ve set are now calling for you right back. Answer the call— although the Moon is in Pisces a…

Gemini — Darling Gem, with the moon in Pisces in your 10th house, be advised that your career is asking for a little attention right now. The goals you’ve set are now calling for you right back. Answer the call— although the Moon is in Pisces and stirring things up emotionally for you, you might want to think about taking some intuitively calculated risks instead and focusing on a the highest vision of your 5 year plan. Think big, there’s plenty of time for realism with the other aspects this month. Shoot for the moon and you’ll certainly fall among the stars.

Cancer — Sweet Cancer, this is your season and every moon belongs to you because the moon rules Cancer. In Pisces, this moon falls in your 9th house of adventures and higher learning. You might be interested in taking a trip outside your comfort zon…

Cancer — Sweet Cancer, this is your season and every moon belongs to you because the moon rules Cancer. In Pisces, this moon falls in your 9th house of adventures and higher learning. You might be interested in taking a trip outside your comfort zone or doing something spontaneously that you haven’t done before. The aspects right now are expansive, so take a journey either mentally or physically at the start of the week. You’ll be exploring, but you won’t get lost.

Leo —&nbsp;Leo, the aspects this month are geared up to put you in a rosy universe, but the Moon in Pisces is going to put you in touch with the dark side of things. When the moon crosses our 8th, we descend into the depths and begin to process and …

Leo — Leo, the aspects this month are geared up to put you in a rosy universe, but the Moon in Pisces is going to put you in touch with the dark side of things. When the moon crosses our 8th, we descend into the depths and begin to process and moult old traumas. Expect old issues to reemerge and relationship dynamics to escalate. You’ll be riding the line between passion and anger, but expect any and all emotions to come up hard at this time. You’re purifying yourself though fire.

Virgo —&nbsp;Kind bb Virgo, this moon will fall in your 7th house of partnerships. Expect to merge with your other half... or unearth some passive aggressive fight with a longstanding enemy. With the expansive Jupiter aspects surrounding this moon, …

Virgo — Kind bb Virgo, this moon will fall in your 7th house of partnerships. Expect to merge with your other half... or unearth some passive aggressive fight with a longstanding enemy. With the expansive Jupiter aspects surrounding this moon, you will want to grow and change your one-on-one relationships and maybe get a little closer in some of them. Under this influence, that kind of coziness seems both welcome and necessary. Focus on pleasing someone else and you’ll loosen up under this transit.

Libra — Sparkling Libra, you’re fond of a variety of lotions/potions to keep yourself in tip top shape. Consider revising one of your beauty or health routines and it will delight your body and mind. Although this influence has you focusing a lot on…

Libra — Sparkling Libra, you’re fond of a variety of lotions/potions to keep yourself in tip top shape. Consider revising one of your beauty or health routines and it will delight your body and mind. Although this influence has you focusing a lot on seemingly trivial details, these little tidbits add up and can bring massive changes to your lifestyle. Start with a long walk everyday, a 10 minute writing prompt to suit your creative side, or even getting “deeper into your practice” with a more regular yoga thing.

Scorpio — For you, Scorpio, having fun can seem like it’s missing the point, but early this week, the moon in Pisces lies in your house of fun and romance and I’d hasten a guess that you could be feeling a little like stepping outside your (sometime…

Scorpio — For you, Scorpio, having fun can seem like it’s missing the point, but early this week, the moon in Pisces lies in your house of fun and romance and I’d hasten a guess that you could be feeling a little like stepping outside your (sometimes heavy) comfort zone. Not everything has to be authentic and not every relationship has to last forever—it’s easy at this time for you to see that. Expect to be smiling without having a reason.

Sagittarius — Sadge, the world is normally your oyster, but right now you’re feeling a little hermity and like sticking close to home. What gives? The moon in Pisces is touring your cosmic 4th house of home and family and anything outside your comfo…

Sagittarius — Sadge, the world is normally your oyster, but right now you’re feeling a little hermity and like sticking close to home. What gives? The moon in Pisces is touring your cosmic 4th house of home and family and anything outside your comfort zone is going to look mega unattractive. You may be moving house or making big changes to your home, but inside you’ll be shaking like a leaf. Take a bath, take some time to revisit something from your past and recoup.

Capricorn — Cap, this week is going to start off busy and electric for you. The Moon in Pisces in your cosmic 3rd house has you flit-fluttering around through all manner of local social events or in the very least, interacting more with neighbors, s…

Capricorn — Cap, this week is going to start off busy and electric for you. The Moon in Pisces in your cosmic 3rd house has you flit-fluttering around through all manner of local social events or in the very least, interacting more with neighbors, siblings, coworkers. Expect invitations from people you see every day to the point of banality initiating uncommonly deep conversations. Get moving, get communicating; reach out to someone who you’ve been thinking about but not talking to.

Aquarius — Are you feeling yourself more than ever? I hope so, because this week has you reaping what you sow: payment in installments, direct deposit to your self esteem account. The Moon in Pisces in your cosmic 2nd house of self worth and income …

Aquarius — Are you feeling yourself more than ever? I hope so, because this week has you reaping what you sow: payment in installments, direct deposit to your self esteem account. The Moon in Pisces in your cosmic 2nd house of self worth and income are calling you to make waves in the arena of self care and maybe ask (nay, demand) for fair treatment and your just due. Take your time accepting any offers, romantic or monetary this week, you’re going to win big if you negotiate for more either way.

Pisces — This is your moon, dear Pisces. It may not be full or new, but it falls in your cosmic 1st house of identity and self-definition and I expect that new sides of you will have the chance to develop and emerge throughout this week. You may tak…

Pisces — This is your moon, dear Pisces. It may not be full or new, but it falls in your cosmic 1st house of identity and self-definition and I expect that new sides of you will have the chance to develop and emerge throughout this week. You may take a foray into styling your hair or makeup differently or it may go way deeper than that and have you picking up on qualities long abandoned in yourself and reintegrating them into your personality.