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via @yogiapproved on Instagram

via @yogiapproved on Instagram

Crystals to work with during Sagittarius season

Sadge season is all about taking chances and following your heart, so I’ve chosen crystals that will boost your confidence and get you ready for prime time. With the adventurous, dreamy vibes of Sagittarius season, we are being asked to dream big (thanks, Jupiter) and then follow the threads of your dreams into reality. Here are some crystals to help make your dreams a reality AND keep you grounded in the process.

  • Desert Rose: a form of gypsum and also called sand rose or selenite rose. Desert Rose is like a snowflake: each one is completely different and unique, since they are formed by sand. Super good for boosting confidence and providing a shield of protection from negativity. If used during meditation, Desert Rose is really good for helping you get to the bottom of things. That’s why I picked it! It’s a dreamy stone that helps you discover the roots.

  • Pyrite: aka fools gold. In the midst of all this Jupiter in Sagittarius energy, Pyrite is good for manifesting wealth, success, and abundance in any form. I feel like you can’t go wrong with this stone, pretty much ever, but especially not when you’re trying to use the big energy of this season to manifest your deepest desires.

  • Blue Kyanite: one of my very favorites! I sleep with a big chunk of it on my nightstand, I keep it in our studio, and there’s always a piece of it on my altar. It’s also good for aligning and balancing all of the chakras, and it creates pathways between your heart and your crown chakras by encouraging the flow of energy both inside and outside your body… which makes it also really amazing for your throat chakra and encourages authentic self expression. Blue Kyanite helps you get into a meditative state and discover your truth.

  • Amethyst: Really good for enhancing intuition and even encouraging psychic vision. Amethyst is a strong stone of spirituality. It’s also super protective and can be useful in clearing up any stress or negativity, making your intended pathways clear.

  • Clear Quartz: the master healer. Helps amplify your energy and clarify your goals.

  • Black Obsidian: helps cleanse the aura of any negativity and helps heighten awareness and stimulate intuition. Black Obsidian really helps cut ties with any toxicity or negativity in your life— like that coworker who can’t stop complaining. Goodbyeeee!

candle and dried flower goals | source unknown

candle and dried flower goals | source unknown

Crystals For Scorpio Season

Cast a freakin’ circle and get out your athame babes because Scorpio season is perfect for rituals! These crystals will help support you in any work you are doing for this autumnal season.

  • Black tourmaline: protection from negativity. Perfect for Samhain because it is the darkest shade of black and it absorbs all other colors of the spectrum. In ancient traditions, black stones are used for confronting deep fears.

  • Bloodstone: restoring energy. Protects the holder and stimulates the root chakra. Bloodstone is awesome for restoring your natural joy and vitality. In the Middle Ages, Bloodstone was linked to Christ’s crucifixion; legend has it that the blood from his wounds dripped onto the dark green earth which then turned to stone, thus its name and powers for healing.

  • Black Kyanite (or witch’s broom): manifestation, dreams, clairvoyance. Black Kyanite looks like a witch’s broom, hence it’s nickname. It’s super helpful for restoring balance in all the chakras, repairing any holes or tears in the aura. The shape helps “sweep” away any negativity.

  • Ruby: associated with blood, and therefore both lifeforce energy and death. Helps lift your spirits and bring you out of negativity. Great for Halloween and Samhain because it restores self-confidence and neutralizes self-doubt, providing solid ground to stand on while you’re doing whatever you do when the veil is thin.

Thinking of kicking up dust in the graveyard? Don’t go without arming yourself with these before. Equipped with these, any ritual or Halloween activities you do will be protected from negative energy, restorative and healing, and will help you manifest abundance and positive energy throughout the season.

pic via Free People Blog | tbh I don’t have enough space in my house OR small baby crystals like this to make something so lovely.

pic via Free People Blog | tbh I don’t have enough space in my house OR small baby crystals like this to make something so lovely.

Soothing Love & Balance: Crystals for Libra Season

Keywords for this Libra season:

  • freakin’ ACTION

  • love

  • balance

  • gratitude

  • emo AF

  • compassion

  • surrender


  • real healing

Stones to help you embrace these key lessons:

You can (and we always recommend it!) carry or wear any of these stones, but we also highly recommend ritual baths with crystals (but first! Check the list herefor toxicity/dissolving). Elixirs and tonics are also a major key (see Leo season crystal rec's for instructions). Some crystals are toxic and some dissolve in water so you can't bathe with every crystal, so be sure to check the list first <3 At the bottom of the list is a specific action for Libra season’s crystals

  • Rose Quartz: always a must-have, but especially this season, rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love and peace. Rose quartz purifies the heart and promotes deep, unconditional self love and compassion. It also helps heal any wounds you may be carrying around your heart. This stone is deeply associated with the heart chakra, but stimulates softness and love in all chakras. We know this was one of the stones for Cancer season, but you simply cannot mention compassion, love, and healing without mentioning the beloved rose quartz.

  • Amazonite: helps you look forward rather than focusing on the past. We don’t have time to stay stuck in the past, dude. Amazonite is great for manifesting because it helps release doubts, fears, worries, stress, etc. Shifting your focus to the future and releasing any anxiety or negativity provides the perfect platform for a rational outlook where you’re poised to manifest.

  • Tiger’s Eye: is the stone of success, vitality, and action. It works with the lower three chakras (root, sacral, and solar plexus) to help stimulate passion to pursue your dreams while keeping you grounded in reality. Tiger’s Eye is also soothing and calming— wearing it can help balance your emotions and energize your body by activating the chakras. It also helps bring your deepest needs to the surface.

  • Blue Lace Agate: aka “Truth Serum” is known to be an aide to the throat chakra, allowing you to claim your truth and speak it, therefore encouraging you to be your truest self. Blue Lace Agate promotes healing, relaxation, and articulation. Speaking your authentic truth and being your authentic self melts stress, encouraging a brighter outlook and steady forward motion.

Make a Crystal Grid

You’ll need:

  • crystals, preferably including the ones listed above

  • other elements you feel drawn to use (examples: flowers, herbs, feathers, symbols of your intention, etc).

  • optional: a crystal grid cloth or platform— not required by pretty!

Crystal grids are a really good way to focus your intention and amplify the work that’s being done. Use the intention/mantra that you created in your Full Moon Ritual here. This can be an extension of your Full Moon ritual, although you don’t have to do them in conjunction. Crystal grids are powerful because of the energy that is created between the stones, your intention, and the sacred geometry. Placing your crystals in a geometric pattern helps strengthen your intention to manifest results faster.

Step one: Complete your Full Moon ritual and set your intention.
Step two: Then gather the crystals to amplify your intention. You can mix use any combination of crystals based on what you are trying to manifest.
Step three: Intentionally place each crystal in a grid formation, guided by your intuition. You can use a grid cloth or place crystals on an image that represents what you are manifesting.
Step four: Maybe the most important part is to place a point at the center of your grid to focus your intention.
Step five: Don’t remove your crystal grid for at least one moon cycle.

via Spellsisters Instagram

via Spellsisters Instagram

Get Grounded: Crystals for Virgo Season

It's been a BUSY week, getting our lives back in order after the mess that has been the last few months. Getting things organized, grounded, planned, and soothed calls for some very special crystals. Not sure about you guys, but we have been needing lots and lots of r&r and these babies should help you feel grounded, calm, focused, and confident.

Stones & How to Use Them

You can (and we always recommend it!) carry or wear any of these stones, but we also highly recommend ritual baths with crystals (but first! Check the list here for toxicity/dissolving). Elixirs and tonics are also a major key (see Leo season crystal rec's for instructions). Some crystals are toxic and some dissolve in water so you can't bathe with every crystal, so be sure to check the list first <3

  • Carnelian: Carnelian helps balance and activate the first three chakras (root, sacral, solar plexus). This helps fire up your creativity, confidence, and self-worth. It's also really good for instilling a sense of courage. If you're gonna ask for that raise this month, carry this everyday.
  • Hematite: Hematite is the shit. It is one of my go-to grounding stones, and it literally makes me feel like I'm being sucked down and forced to chill. It also helps to dissolve negativity and I use it during chakra balancing sessions to help absorb any negativity the receiver might be hanging onto. It has a magnetic energy, so it draws negativity into itself.
  • Selenite: Selenite is also the shit. It helps stabilize and balance emotions. It's also so grounding that you can use it to charge all your other crystals. It helps remove all energetic blockages. I like to use Hematite and Selenite at the same time. Hold Selenite in your left hand (your receiving side) and Hematite in your right hand (releasing) to restore balance, positivity, and creativity.
  • Malachite: Malachite is the stone of transformation... and it's a good bullshit detector. While I'd like to think that I am, too, it helps expose which decisions are wise and calculated and which are... let's just say, "impulsive." Since we're going for chill, focused, and calm vibes during Virgo season, calculated action is where it's at. Malachite brings shit to the surface, so that you can see where you need to focus your efforts-- it draws out hidden emotions and blockages so that they can then be equalized and balanced. It's one of my favorite stones because each one is completely different and they're so beautiful, they don't look like anything else. Bonus: holding two pieces of Malachite (one in each hand) helps balance and restore focus.


Take an Awesome Ritual Bath

Check out this awesome blog post written by Hayley from last year about how to prepare a ritual bath.  




me in my bath with all my crystal friends

me in my bath with all my crystal friends

Feelin' Yourself?: Crystals for Leo Season

Go out for fancy, expensive cocktails (or coffee), wear sequins, wear bright, bold patterns. With the expressive, dramatic energy of Leo, we are being called to be our most confident selves. Astrostyle says, Leo is all about putting us in the spotlight, to "showcase our heart’s truest passions and desires." We've picked stones for you that will help nurture the fun, seductive, and positive energy of your deepest desires.

Stones & How to Use Them

You can carry or wear any of these stones, but we also highly recommend ritual baths with crystals. (check the list here for toxicity/dissolving). Some crystals are toxic and some dissolve in water so you can't do this with every crystal, but creating elixirs and tonics is also awesome!

    • Clear Quartz: During this time that's all about putting number one first, you might be going deep to get to the bottom of what it is that makes the canary (you, the cute lil bb) sing. Quartz is known as the master healer, and is adaptable to work with lots of different experiences. You can program clear quartz with a specific intention to amplify your energy.  
    • Obsidian: Obsidian can be used to reveal hidden truths and breakthrough blockages. This stone is a powerful protector and absorbs negative energy. It's especially good if you're dealing with some heavy shit during this time, since it can be used to help dissolve past traumas.
    • Green Aventurine: First of all, it's so beautiful! Green aventurine is joyous and optimistic. It is known as the stone of opportunity! You can use this stone to stay in the present moment, attract abundance in any form, and release expectations, which are a common manifestation block.
    • White Jasper: A powerhouse for self-confidence, white jasper is awesome for recognizing your own divinity and purifying your mind. It's great to use for help with releasing what is no longer serving you. It also helps reflect on yourself with tenderness, recognizing your own deep beauty. White jasper is also known for helping connect you with your highest consciousness and achieve wholeness.
    • Sunstone*: Sunstone has been viewed as the stone of self-confidence and empowerment. Fitting! And luminous sunstone reflects some qualities of the Sun, Leo's ruler. This stone is awesome for helping to recognize hidden talents, boost your confidence, and helps its user shine. 

    *Contains aluminum


    To create an elixir:

    1. Check to see if the stones you want to use are toxic from this list. We've also tried to be thorough here about what you can't do with the listed stones, but if you're going to be creating elixirs and tonics, definitely check the list to see if your crystal is toxic.
    2. Then, place the safe ones you want to use in water for a short time, allowing the water to absorb the qualities of the stones.
    3.  Then drink it.



    Crystals to Work With During Cancer Season

    Break out an old cookbook, and bake something challenging. With the domestic, nurturing nature of Cancer, we are all being called to spend time at home, tend to our living space, and put effort into caring for ourselves.

    Stones & How to Use Them

    • Garnet: Garnet is energizing and helps restore balance to the chakras by purifying, balancing energy, and bringing passion to our lives. This stone is really good for healing and regenerating. Garnet helps dissolve old, ingrained patterns that are no longer serving you. It helps with releasing obsolete or negative ideas.
    • Moonstone: Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. It is calming and helps reflect on the cycles of the moon; everything waxes and wanes. Moonstone also promotes intuition and empathy.
    • Amethyst: Amethyst holds a super high vibration, and is helpful for stimulating and activating the crown and third eye chakras. It is very powerful and helps ward of "psychic attack" (think: hexes, energy vampires, etc.). Amethyst is known for calming the mind and helping people overcome addictions.
    • Shungite: Actually a mineral, shungite contains molecules with powerful healing qualities. It helps cleanse and protect, and it has literal electricity conducting properties. Shungite can be added to water to create an elixir that helps with insomnia and anxiety.
    • Rose Quartz: Obviously. This is the stone of unconditional love and peace. Rose quartz purifies the heart and promotes deep, unconditional self love

    You can carry or wear any of these stones, but I also recommend creating elixirs with them. You can't do this with every crystal because some are toxic and some dissolve in water. Check to see if the stones you want to use are toxic from this list. Then, place the safe ones you want to use in water for a short time, allowing the water to absorb the qualities of the stones, and then drink it. You can also use these stones in a bath (highly recommend).